Hey Greg,
I’ve been a subscriber to your website for a little over a year now, so when it came time to re-subscribe I didn’t hesitate!
Having watched your videos and advice I have to say it has sunk in and really helped me achieve my fitness goals.
Your dedication and commitment are really inspiring and I personally aim to emulate your passion and intensity every time I step onto the gym floor.
From diet, to technique, attitude to outlook I feel I’ve become a stronger and better individual thanks to your site.
Friends, family and even strangers at the gym have noticed my physique and have starting coming to me for training advice and tips thanks to your help – which feels amazing!
I was really shocked, horrified and saddened to see your accident last year, but from you recent videos you seem to be recovering really well and you are not letting this handicap affect your workouts which is massively impressive!
I’ve attached a pic I made showing a ‘before and after’ for your Revolution programme. I started training in ’08 and made some small gains on my own for the first year and a half, but after I found your site I really started to make big progress!
I applied your training & diet tips and while gradual, the improvements have been really good.
Thanks so much man! & please keep up the great work and site.
Best wishes,
Seb, 24