Greg’s Cookbook – Protein Enhanced Oatmeal

Greg shares his recipe for a Protein Enhanced Oatmeal. A breakfast that is the perfect fuel on days you workout. In Greg’s Cookbook, Greg shares recipes, supplements, diets and more.

Greg’s Arm War Gym Workout

Get a good night’s sleep before you try Arm War this 40 minute arm workout video is not for amateurs. Arm War is just one of 21 instructional workout videos available to members in which Greg explains exactly how to do each exercise, while providing expert tips.

Video Blog – Best Time To Train?

Greg answers a member’s question about the best time to work out. Is there a better time to work out depending on your goals? Yes, and Greg explains them in detail.

Greg’s Cookbook – Protein Omelet

Greg shares his recipe for a Vegetarian Protein Omelet. A breakfast guaranteed to fuel your muscles. In Greg’s Cookbook, Greg shares recipes, supplements, diets and more.

Greg’s Shoulder Shred Gym Workout

Greg’s Shoulder Shred gym workout is a superset workout that attacks the mass of the shoulders and traps while shredding up all heads of the deltoid in a superset high rep fashion. Guaranteed to take your shoulder to new growth levels and leave your shirt drenched! Greg explains EXACTLY how to do each exercise, while… Read more »

Greg’s Cookbook – Chicken/Steak Wraps

Greg shares his recipe for Chicken and Steak Wraps. A meal guaranteed to fuel your muscles. In Greg’s Cookbook, Greg shares recipes, supplements, diets and more. Learn the secrets that Greg uses to build his body only in the Members Section.

Greg’s Back Demolition Gym Workout

This 60 minute, drop set style workout will bring you to tears as you grow closer to your dreams! Greg explains EXACTLY how to do each exercise, while providing expert tips.

Video Blog – Getting In Shape For Summer

Greg explains in depth how to maintain muscle size while burning fat to get in shape for Summer. Greg discusses what you can do to ramp up your fat loss efforts and provides a complete two week cardio and lifting plan, that will help you look your best.